A week in the life of a full moon.... Oh wait, it's only Wednesday.....a half week then? A kinda week? Whatever....
Monday: FUN field trip with Natalie's class to the farm. So fun! Seriously, did I mention how fun it was? I LOVE that I am the parent at a field trip. It is so weird to not have to worry about everything and just get to enjoy my child doing something new. No planning, no gathering parent consent forms, no worrying if anyone is touching the wrong end of one of the farm animals, no dealing with buses and the where and whens of all that mess. It ROCKED! Natalie has been very "in her head" and overly sensory the last few weeks so she didn't do as much as I thought she would. She wouldn't touch the animals (except the baby chicks and ducklings...awwww) She has learned how to be gentle from having the cats all of her life (and a little sister) and it is so freaking adorable when she whips out her nurturing side. For those of you who really know her, you know that she is not exactly the huggy, love all over me type so really.......in the words of Chandler Bing.... "Could she BE any cuter!?"
Being "in her head" means she is living more to satisfy what feels good or looks cool.... so there was a lot of this:
The teacher in me was all "Why won't you pay attention to the animals...we are freaking LEARNING here!" Meanwhile the mom/therapist in me was all "DID YOU JUST SEE HER SCALE THAT FENCE!?" "That's MY baby girl!".....The gross motor, fine motor, cognitive planning, balance...that went into that was a sight to see I tell you! It's odd having a child with special needs because you just can't help but celebrate everything they do. Even if that means being super excited on the inside when they scale nasty, dirty, animal pen fences that you just KNOW are covered in all kinds of disgusting things we won't talk about.....I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.......but did you SEE HER SCALE THAT FENCE PEOPLE??!!
So we survived the farm and moved right into a nice little Tuesday....dun dun DUUUUUN! That was scary music for those of you with no imaginations who couldn't tell. Day started off with a trip to the Chiropractor which is the best EVER! Before we go I do the mommy voiced "Do you have to go potty because so help me god if you pee in my car or in his office..." She peed.....then did a little doody for me. Somewhere in the back of my head I notice it smells a bit off (yes, more so than poop usually does....shut it, I am a stay at home mom now, I notice this kind of craptastic stuff) and kind of a light color. (she makes me look so she can get an m&m ok? Stop judging) Off to the Chiro, then the grocery store. Two hours later we are back home. She runs into the bathroom and I hear a scary splatter. WTH? Was that pee hitting the walls? Did she run over a cat on the way in there? Seriously....can I just leave and pretend I don't live here? Then shudder I walk in to find her SCREAMING and standing in a poo puddle that looked like it shot out of her tush like it was in a cannon. CRAPTASTIC SHITASTROPHE! gag, gag, I cleaned her and the entire bathroom up. I use all natural homemade cleaners only but I keep one little pack of clorox wipes in the back under the sink for just this level of toxic disinfecting. Her butt is now safely in a diaper. gag
Fast forward about an hour and her stomach is all distended and all I could think was "dear lord, please, PLEASE let this only be a back end issue, please don't let her start puking all over like the exorcist." We have lived that fun before when both girls got rotavirus....within days of each other....gag. gag. blah! So her stomach is all hard and I am asking her to go potty over and over until she finally goes in and then......then........gag....then her body opened up and out came everything she has ever eaten...EVER. It was almost amazing if it wasn't so incredibly disgusting. Her poor little eyes all bugged out like she could not believe what was happening either. All I could think was "YES! NOT PUKE!".....seriously, this is the life of a stay at home mom. Stay in school kids! She takes a nap and the rest of the day is fine except that I am on total poop patrol and terrified of spraying at any moment.
Wednesday: aka the day before the full moon. Poopy head girl seems almost back to normal except for being a little tired. We lounge and enjoy some mommy daughter time. Ahhhh so awesome. She goes down for a nap like an angel (am I the only one who ALWAYS types angle first and has to fix it? Just saying) and I think I am in the clear. I eat lunch...can this really be the day before a full moon? Then the shedevil wakes up early in a mood like no other. For real.....the tears....were....endless. The whining, the fighting with Natalie. Poor Natalie could do no right today. Every toy the poor thing picked up Alyssa would charge at her like the running of the bulls screaming "MINE! MINE NATALIE!" Natalie finally gave up and just started taking her things and running off with them for fun. Hey, if you can't beat em.... This is what 3 hours of this afternoon looked like.
Is that not the most pathetic little look ever? I feel like she was my own personal leach because I can't just leave her there to look like that. sigh
So now I am exhausted from playing ref, nurse, mom, maid, taxi, wife, chef, poop picker upper. It is 8:15 on Friday Wednesday and I need a vacation. Just so you don't think I can't find the silver lining in my happy life bubble I will leave you with some eye candy from when Natalie and I were playing. Ahhhhhhhh.....it's a little like Calgon without all the bubbles and relaxing and.....wait, what was I saying?