My poor little blog. I think of posts to write then never get around to sitting down to write them. I will try to update over the next few days so the posts may seem a bit disjointed. Here goes...deep breath in.
I loved the randomness of being a kid. I miss it really. That frame of thinking that things just happen magically and are awesome all by chance. The reality is that behind every "random" activity there is a parent who planned for at least 3 hours 30 minutes to make that magic seem, well, seamless. Take picnicking at the park for instance. I decided that we needed some spontaneity in our lives and we were going to up and have a picnic dinner at the park and play until the girls were worn out. The kid in my head was all "THE PARK! Ok, out the door we go with dinner and everything fun to play with at the park!". Then it hit me, that reminder that I am the parent and not the kid. hahaha! There is a lot of prep work to be spontaneous with three kids. My goal is for them not to notice and to just remember us randomly jumping in the van and heading to the park for dinner and evening family time. What really happened was about 45 minutes of me making said picnic dinner, gathering blankets, changing baby, packing bubbles and other goodies and finally getting girls ready.
It's not quite the same as being the kid in the scenario but watching them run to the car all excited for a break in routine then acting like eating on a blanket in the grass is the coolest thing EVER kind of made the effort seem.....effortless. It's kind of how mom's look back on labor like "Pishaw! That wasn't SO bad, I could do that again."
Stay tuned for future picnics and evenings at the park. I am now a hero to two little girls and I have to admit I kinda like it. :)
Oh my Lori, I so love you. You are the sweetest, cutest mom ever and I love how you can express in words exactly how us moms out there feel!! Keep it up girl.