Saturday, July 3, 2010

Terrific two's! That's right, I said it....

Don't get me wrong, two year old's are TOUGH.  They all of a sudden have an opinion about life and how, when and where everything should be.  There are tantrums and power struggles and horrifically dramatic events over where I put her toothbrush vs. where SHE wanted it....but there is also this wonderfully, refreshing thing that happens when a child turns two.  They become people.  Real live people!  No more diapers, no more baby toys, no more having to hold my hand in stores or in the yard because they know who they are when you call their name.  I can shop with A now and she shops!  Imagine that ;)  She picks out clothes that she likes and says things like "OOOOH, caaUte!"  (say it out loud, it works) She stays with me in stores and at people's houses.  She has friends and favorite stuffed animals (who have names) and she can be healed by my magical mommy kisses.  "aaw bedder" is the reward I get when I kiss a boo boo.  Oh how I want that power forever.  To be able to kiss away things that make those beautiful eyes tear up.  I know it won't last long, so for now I will treasure it.  For now I will snap pictures of my terrific two year old as she slowly becomes a real live person.  I will cherish every silly grin and goofy outfit that she concocts. (and there are many as you will soon find out) I will not forget to soak up the hugs and smiles and "yuv youuuu" 's. I will not forget......




This innocent photo is actually of A sitting in a decorative shell at the beach house my in laws rented this year.  She looks adorable doesn't she?  Yeaaaaah, she thought this was her own personal chair/potty.  I got to clean this bad boy out at least 4 times while we were there.  Awesome

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful pictures! They grow up too fast!
